Sunday 8 July 2012


The world is embracing the technology and as long as we live the more the world gets technological. At present, it is such a shame for a student not to know the basics of the computer because everyone is using it. Students have to know the different computer applications since this is a requirement in school and no longer a choice. Upon taking computer courses, this will help the learners in adapting the modern world as well as preparing themselves for the future higher technology. Browsing the internet, surfing the web and joining social media are the new trends of this generation. Websites usually deal with commercial advertisement, educational sites, entertainment news and social engagement. I believe there are websites for educational purposes but the thing is only a few are making websites as such. We can search for our homework and what it maybe that relates to education but only a few websites are catering our educational needs. You may have seen a lot of search results of your concern relating to your homework but if you try to open it one by one most of them are the same which means they can be found in one website. I have been experiencing this lot of times. I can see that everyone even our grandparents are willing to learn and want to be dependent in using computers and any gadgets, so with this I assume that the young ones seem to love learning new things than them. There are many people who are using educational websites for their research, term papers and assignments. These people are usually students and professionals. So, instead of going in the library every day and scan big, dusty books, why not try searching online and open eLib or log on to any educational websites that you know. This is how technology makes things easier and faster.

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